Hi,I am Pankaj Shah

Name: Pankaj Shah

Profile: Backend Developer

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +977 9804016025


HTML 85%
CSS3 80%
PHP 75%
Python 80%
Java 65%
C and C++ 85%
About me

I propose to reflect how the fast growing industry of Web development offers a creative and diverse opportunity to work in a field that fulfills the needs of the employers of today. I will address why Web development is a dynamic career choice for high school students, and how to get started in this career.

Almost all successful companies have a working Web site and depend on it for supplying everything from information to the actual purchase of products and services. The needs of these employers are fulfilled by Web developers who are trained to not only publish Web sites, but to create a vibrant presentation that supplies information and services to their clients. The Web site we need did not magically appear; it was the detailed work of a skilled Web developer.

My interest in Web development came from experience learning to design and build my own personal Web site. It is an outlet that allowed me to combine computer skills and creativity.


Web Design

A web design service provides you with a customized website design that's perfect for your business or personal sites.

Web Development

I can make web sites using Django Framework Which Make your websites more fast and reliable.

App Development

I can make App using Flutter Which Make your App more fast and reliable.